Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Annoyances and Worries

I'm supposed to call and schedule another ultrasound.  The reason is stupid and I don't really want to.  Basically, though the technician put that everything looked perfectly fine, because she couldn't take a clear picture of escargot's heart before (due to her screwy positioning), they want me to go back in.  Part of me feels like telling them it's not going to happen.  The heart sounds fine, it's looked fine, and I have to have ultrasounds later, so I'd prefer to postpone it until then.  If there is a heart problem there isn't anything we can do about it until she's here, so why not wait until she's a little bigger?

I have to go for another ultrasound near the end of my pregnancy because before my placenta was looking low.  G and I have been saying lots of prayers, because if it doesn't pull up, we'll be having a c-section, which is something I absolutely don't want unless it's 100% necessary.  However, if it's too low lying, it could kill me (hemorrhaging out) as well as put lil miss at risk, neither of which I want to do.

I've had such an easy pregnancy that this worry is so small.  I keep telling myself there is nothing I can do to change things if it doesn't turn out how I want.  It makes me sad, because once you've had this issue once, it's probably going to happen the next time.  I want to birth naturally and go home soon after, and because of this issue that may never happen.  It's frustrating, but once again, what can you do? :)

The most important things are: I live and lil miss comes out okay.  All the other stuff really won't matter as much.  But I'm praying and keeping my fingers crossed anyway!

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